Wednesday, October 17, 2007

OK, Now, Really?

I now join the throngs of women who get excited over things such as this:

Seriously, though, I saw Jessica on Oprah (yes. shut up.) and she literally charmed the socks off of me. Which, I guess, is something she's quite adept at considering she met Jerry Seinfeld at the gym just after returning from a three week Italian honeymoon with her first husband. Long story short, now she's a Seinfeld.


faithsalutes said...

holy crap. she is a billionaire. does she really need more cash...she should be giving those away for free.

Christa said...

I just read a review of this book in the NY Observer. She said, "Too much pureeing".

Raya Carlisle said...

It's on my Amazon shopping list. Let's take notes and compare.