Friday, September 08, 2006

Dereliction of Duty

Well, my computer is still elsewhere, but I've been getting the virtual hairy eyeball from people for not putting up recent pictures of Stella. Here are a few things that have happened:

  • Stella can stand on her own
  • I cut my finger on a can of turkey
  • Tiny has chewed three toys
  • My barking petition was DENIED!
  • We finished Arrested Development Season 3
  • Stella got a huge bug bite on her cheek so she looks like a chipmunk
  • I switched to a beta version of Blogger and now I can't upload pictures!

What is with your luck? You still get no pictures of the cutest Stella in the world.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ahh, petition denied?!! Unresponsive and heartless government! There are other methods of dealing with obnoxious dogs....