Tuesday, November 07, 2006

This One is for Chris Kelly

Who is Chris Kelly, you might ask? Well besides being a model for the PVCC Fitness Center dress code dos and don'ts sign, a man with pretty hair, an SRP employee, a liberal-leaning Republican (Proposition 107? Hello?), Donna's husband, Marty's son and Joey's father-in-law, he is also Jamie's uncle and, therefore, Stella's great-uncle. And tonight over Grandma Kelly's famoso pollo asada (that's Spanish just for you, Chris!) he asked me why I haven't updated lately. Not that he reads this pansy child-centered blog on a regular basis. Just every now and then. He described it as, "Not a website, but her own place on the internet where she posts pictures of her (meaning Stella) and them (meaning all of us) and tells stories and writes little sayings and stuff."

Anyway, why haven't I posted? No reason other than laziness. I've been too busy reading a good book that was due to the library (459 pages, whohee!), starting and finishing Stella's birthday quilt, landscaping the front yard, going to my creative writing class, visiting my aunt and uncle's cabin in Pine, applying for the Master Gardener program, planting seeds in my yard and generally being outside. This is the time of year for outside activity. This is when Stella lives the other part of November. We're closing in on Year One. We've experienced the first Accidental Trauma--not major but it did involve blood, scabbing, tears and a retaining wall. We've tasted dirt! And sand! We've put rocks in a bucket and taken them out again. Exciting stuff this.

And now for some eye candy:

I will not discuss my sand-eating habits in a public forum.

Sand is not a gateway mineral and I resent the fact that you think it's making me crazy.

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